In the context of further optimisation and efficiency within the Vydraulics Group, we have decided to transfer the production and accommodation of Hydropack Hydraulics to our Doedijns location in Zoetermeer with effect from 1 January 2023. At the end of this year, Hydropack will move from Amersfoort to Zoetermeer.
The new address is: Bleiswijkseweg 51, 2712 PB Zoetermeer.
Hydropack’s current activities will be continued using the exact same name, while maintaining our focus on quality and reliability. Ultimately, the aim is to enable Hydropack to grow further as the total infrastructure supplier. In addition, joining forces allows Hydropack to respond even better to the new opportunities and possibilities available.
By optimising production capacity within the Vydraulics Group, we can continue to serve our customers well in the future and further professionalise the relationship with our suppliers. Knowledge sharing and joint development are key to this.